
05 July 2014

Anger Management

Someone I know once said to me:

I used to have anger management issues. Even the smallest spark of anger can make me burst like hell. Sometimes I believed that my body was manufacturing explosives that just can wait to get detonated. I mean seriously, who the hell gets angry over an out-of-reach remote control? Okay, so maybe a majority of couch potatoes do, but how many actually spank the remote control for being such a "naughty little thing"?

Fun-ny. Makes me laugh every time I think of it. And my anger gets worse by day and by weeks and by months and by years until I actually experienced heartache. I took no initiative to control myself. But somehow, by the light that God sent to me, I realised that anger only makes me feel worse, and it's me that should face the consequences, not the person/appliance that I'm mad at. To cut things short, I started to remind myself whenever I get angry. To not make a fool out of myself. To not be such a bratty, insolent child. To try to stay calm whenever possible.

And (surprise, surprise) it worked! It feels good to not have this blaze in your heart and in your mind and in everywhere around your body. Sure, you get pissed off once in a while, but that's still not a reason to go haywire. You can either continue getting yourself pissed off, or you can choose to skip all the nasty words and foolish actions and go straight to smiling and forgiving.

Trust me, you'll be amazed by how wonderful this world is if you can control your anger.

Not her exact words, but it carries the same message. Her advice has also helped me a lot in dealing with situations that do nothing but get on my nerves.
Frankly, I have no idea what to write these past few days, so I decided to quote someone instead. Till next time

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