
29 March 2014

Last Day of School

It's the last day of school. Our last day of school, I muttered under my breath as I glance towards my classmates who seem to be engaged in the "mini-party" that we are currently holding. Hafiz is doing his infamous magic tricks while the others are giving out the Oohs and the Aahs. I have never seen them so excited before. Probably the whole idea of separation and "this is the last time we're gonna have something like this together" thingy make them feel obliged to absorb in each moment possible.

"Hey," a voice that sends shivers down my spine makes me look sideways, to where it originated from.

"I was thinking of... You know," he starts, a bit shakier that his usual firm-and-strict voice, his left hand rubbing his right forearm the way people used to do when they aren't sure of what they're about to say. Or is it a sign of nervousness?

"What?" I asked casually. "I don't know," I continued when I see that he is confident that I can read his mind.

"The..." and suddenly Husna comes up and talks to him so quickly that it is hardly audible to me. He replies with something that makes her laugh. The lot starts giggling over something I do not understand, or am not even trying to understand. Either way, I suddenly feel the urge to punch him in the face for no solid reason.

It seems like forever but Husna finally leaves and he looks back at me as if he has done nothing wrong. What wrong did he do anyway, I ask myself.

"And you were saying?" I muster all the patience that I still have in me to stop me from giving him a knuckle-sandwich.

"Oh, um.." he jolted as if he has just returned to reality, which further annoys me. "I was just saying that it's the last day of school and the others look like they're having lots of fun and you're just standing here... Doing nothing... So I...."

Doing nothing? He's saying that I am doing nothing? 5 years of us being together - as classmates, I mean - and he doesn't even know that I am actually observing the crowd the way I always do? He is still chanting but I am no longer paying attention to him.

"Guys, let's join in the junk-food-eating-ceremony," Shahin interrupts my monologue and his dialogue.

"Oh sure, I'd love to!" I replied before I start towards the table where the others are gathering at. I stole a glance in his direction and he stands there as if he still has something very important to say.

Serves him right, I whisper. Serves what right? I know not.

I try my best to focus on the food. It is somewhat a tradition in my school to have this ceremony at the very end of our schooling. It marks the fun moments that we had had as classmates for the last five years. Up to this date though, I still haven't figured out how junk-food can be related to cherishing memories, but I celebrate it nevertheless.

I suddenly realise that Wani is staring at me as if a bird just pooped on my head. I stretch out my hand and rub the top of my head, and is relieved to find that no gooey stuff that should be the bird's poop rests there.

"You look troubled," Wani says, eyeing me. She always has this gift of telling when people are acting weird, not like themselves. She calls it her sixth sense.

By now, every member of the class turns toward us, toward me specifically. I breath in deep and let it out slowly before replying as tersely as I can, "I'm moving to Australia."

Elvie drops her bag of Twisties, spilling the snack all over the floor. Shane squeezes his choki-choki stick so hard that it explodes into his face. From the corner of my eye I could see his demeanour changes. The others just stare at me, jaw-dropped. It remains that way until I break off the silence.

"It was so abrupt, even I was surprised. My father just told me last night. Our flight's tomorrow afternoon," I don't know if I was forgiven for not letting them know earlier, but soon the girls surround me and give me a big, warm hug. They embrace for who knows how long, until one of the boys cries out, "Okay, enough with all this affection. We're here too, remember?" Shahin says, gesturing towards the other boys beside him.

We break free and I wipe off the tear that had been welling up in my eyes before anyone could see them. I don't know how I feel right now after disclosing the truth. To not share the same studying environment as them is nowhere near not standing on the same piece of land with them. Flashes of old memories invade my brain as I try to fight off tears unsuccessfully.

These are the people who were there when I need them, These are the people who fought the jihad of acquiring knowledge with me. These are the people whom I spent most of my time with. And today, these are the people who are going to see me cry like a baby just because I am going some place else; some place so out of reach from where we are now. Yes, these are the people.

I don't know if it was dust in their eyes, but the boys seem to be wiping their eyes very determinedly. "You know you can cry if you wanted to. I mean, c'mon... Tears are not a sign of weakness,"

No response, and I just smile as they proceed rubbing the invisible dust off their eyes.

Not knowing what else to do, I start picking up rubbish that is littering the floor. There is nothing more that I hate than litter - they just burn my eyes. I turn around for the dustbin but a person blocks my path. He is standing close - too close - and I take a step back.

"What do you want?" I asked in the most boring tone that I can manage.

"You should've told me earlier," his voice is low so only I can hear.

Told you earlier? What do you mean by that? I told you that I only knew about it last night, and even I was taken aback by the news. I feel like letting out my anger on him, but the only thing I comes out of my mouth is "Sorry".

I walk past him to throw the rubbish, and I could see that the others are doing the same as well.

Everyone groans when the bell finally rings. The last day of school is over. I know that by now my mother has arrived at the school compound to pick me up, and I have to hurry. We all walk together to the main entrance, and I feel as if they are escorting me even though they aren't.

I get into the car and they are still standing just a few feet away, probably trying to capture the last moments in their memory just like what I am doing. I wave at them, and they mirror me. I see him at the far left of my classmates, also doing the goodbye gesture. I find myself beaming at him, and the others too.

Somewhere deep down inside I wish he would spill out the truth that he has been trying to say since earlier this morning. But then I figured, maybe I knew about it all along.

Awkwardness aside. It's nice to be liked
-Veronica Roth, Divergent


27 March 2014

"I Can't Stop Sinning" - YouTube

It was narrated that a man who used to sin a lot came to the wise and righteous man, Ibrahim Ibn adham. He was from the early Muslims. So he tells him, "Give me some advice because I always sin."

So Ibrahim Ibn adham (ra) tries to shame him out of sinning in front of Allah SWT. He says, "If you want to sin against Allah SWT, go ahead and do so. Just don't eat or drink; don't drink from Allah's food and don't drink from the drink that He provides for you. Don't use his provision."

How can I do that, when everything is provided by Allah?

Does it make sense to sin against Allah while you're eating His food?

You're right. Give me the second piece of advice

If you insist on sinning against Allah while eating His food and drinking from His drinks, then at least don't sin against Him on His land.

That is bigger than the first one, when all the land belongs to Allah.

Is it proper then, that you sin against Allah while you eat His food and you do it on His land?

Give me the third piece of advice.

The third piece of advice is if you're going to insist upon doing all that, then at least sin where He can't see you.

This is even greater

Does it make sense, that you sin against Allah on His land, while eating from His food that He provides, and you do it right in front of Him?

Give me the fourth piece of advice

If you still insist upon sinning after all this, then continue sinning, but when the Angel of Death comes to take you, tell them to wait for you until you make 2 rakaat salah and you repent to Allah Azza Wa Jal

The angel won't allow me.

Then when they commanded to throw you into the hellfire, refuse to go with them

They won't allow me........ Enough! Enough!

The man had gotten his advice. He had understood the admonition, and it was said that from that day the man went on without sinning against Allah SWT

Watch full video here:-

24 March 2014

11 Things You Should Know About Creative Da'wah

Gambar hiasan
What's the first thing that flashes in your mind at the sight of the word da'wah? Bulatan gembira? Guys in jubah and serban? Ladies in tudung labuh? Some boring talk that acts great as a lullaby? Hmm.. Let's leave those questions at that.

How about creative da'wah? Ever heard of that one before? You might or might not notice, but creative da'wah is growing at a rapid pace all around us. Internet, Youtube, facebook, comics, films, books, blogs. Do those ring a bell? No? Yes? Well, creative da'wah is a new way of spreading the word of Islam through modern and more efficient mediums. As we all know, we live in the era where gadgets, smartphones and social media become an inseparable part of our daily life. People spend a large amount of time in the virtual world, so much so that we spend less time in the real world. So how is the old school da'wah going to survive?

*Gasps... Does a dramatic "oh nooo!!!" sound effect...*

That's where creativity comes in. And yesterday Alhamdulillah 9 of us from Pusat PERMATApintar Negara made it to Universiti Malaya to attend The Muslim Show: Dakwah Kreatif Era Baru. Those series of talks got me into thinking that yes, da'wah can be done via the most simplest acts that even we tend to overlook. I took down some notes, and for my own benefit (and other's), I decided to share it right here on blogger.

11 Things You Should Know About Creative Da'wah

Say what you know, know what you're saying

There is this famous quote by Imam Hasan Al Basri (I do not know its English translation)
Seandainya seseorang itu hanya dapat menyampaikan dakwah apabila dia sempurna, nescaya tidak akan ada pendakwah.
I'm sure you guys get the gist of the above statement. But then here's the catch: Don't speak unless you truly know and understand what you're talking about. Sometimes misconceptions arise when people who know nothing act like they know everything. Don't let your ego trick you into not willing to accept the fact that you do not have the answer for everything. In other words, jangan buat pala! 

This is brought up during the talk entitled "Non-Muslim Bertanya: Al-Quran dan Bible Menjawab" by Dr. Danial. He did give us a few answers to simple but somehow deadly questions. Say, a non-muslim told you to define the Quran. Of course you would not want to look like someone who knows nothing about their own guidebook right? Here's how the answer should look like (Sorry because the definition is in BM) 

Al-Quran merupakan kalam Allah berbentuk mukjizat yang diturunkan ke atas Nabi Muhammad SAW dan ditulis di atas mashaf melalui riwayat yang mutawattir dan membacanya merupakan ibadah. 
Seems a mouthful, but if you'll get the hang of it once you truly understand the meaning.

Proof that Al-Quran is a mukjizat?
- Kebenaran kisah-kisah
- The prediction in the Quran has been proven true (kisah yang akan datang seperti kemenangan Rom ke atas Parsi selepas kekalahan teruk)
- Verses concerning science has been proven true by recent scientific findings

And listen to this: even the Western researchers admit that the Quran is authentic and has never been changed in any way nor will it ever change in the future. The bible however, not-so-surprisingly differs throughout the different schools of teaching. For instance, there are 73 books (surah) in the Catholic Bible, but the Protestants have 6 less! That's a food for thought. Hmm.....

Ciri dakwah secara berhikmah:

  • Berlembut
  • Adil dengan apa yang diseru
  • Berilmu dengan apa yang diseru

Creative Da'wah is a Trial

LIFE is a trial, is it not? In everything we do, in everything that we possess, a trial tags along with it, whether we realise it or not. So Ustaz Zamrin Zainuddin spoke about trials in da'wah, specifically creative da'wah.

Our emotions are being put to the test. "Boleh jadi yang kita akan jadi bajet bagus. POYO! Rasa kita ja yang betul, orang lain semua salah" Ini semua poyooooo. Yup, with creative da'wah comes fame, glory, fans, wealth and attention never before experienced by the people before they were involved in this platform. You no longer get to walk in public without hearing giggles and murmurs of your name coming from a radius of 2 meters. You can never again walk in the supermarket without some of the other shoppers approaching you with a pinch of hope to snap a photo with you - and upload it somewhere on the web.

But is that what you are searching for? Fame? Say you're about to die tomorrow, will that still be your main objective in melibatkan diri in creative da'wah? Again, put some thought to that.

Besides that, there is a physical trial too. Being in the work of creative da'wah means that you'll have invitations pouring out in all directions; and you'll have to migrate from one place to another. But this is no excuse to skip meals or put your health at stake. It is a tiring job indeed.

Observe and learn

The best thing about being the spectator is that you have the chance to scrutinize and learn from what you observe. At least that's what Saiful Nang said. Being a (former) dyslexic, he used to sit at the edge of the field during a football match instead of joining his friends in the game. Watching the game enables us to detect successful strategies or failed plans. By watching, we could easily point out mistakes that someone has made, and mentally construct a new way to fix it.

Maybe now you're just this dude who has the intention of doing creative da'wah but has no idea where to begin and how to do it. Don't fret though, because there are lots of public figures of whom you can observe and learn from. Take baby steps, says Aiman Azlan. Sooner or later you'll get to it, insyaAllah..

Aiman Azlan comel

Kisah Aiman Azlan

Who has never ever heard of this fellow Youtuber all his/her life? (Me. Well, until recently of course. Hehe). He was a student in Canada in Biology and Psychology (wow). So one day he saw the Mat Luthfi video Drama Sebelum Kahwin (yeah, I like this one) and an Anwar Hadi video and thought to himself, "Why don't I do the same? :D". So his very first vlog was born, meant for his family back in Malaysia. His friends and family gave positive feedback. A friend of his even said, "Hey, I didn't know you were a funny guy" and he was like... Okay... Hihi... So he continued doing vlogs. You can go watch his YouTube videos, or read his blog!

During the Q&A session, a guy asked him: How did you make the video and just... meletup? Well, he said, I didn't even go to facebook and promote my video and stuff. Just know that you're doing the right thing. InsyaAllah there will be people who will follow and listen. :)

Kisah Hilal Asyraf

It all started back in his 6th Form year, when he used to give tazkirahs in class. His friend recommended him to start a blog, an idea that was still fresh and uncommon in his school years. He agreed but left his friend to set the blog up because he wasn't the tech geek kinda guy. Unfortunately he forgot the blog's password and made a new one under the domain langitilahi. He still collaborated with his friend of course; him doing the article while his friend handled the template and stuff.

He had to visit 300 or so blogs per week just to promote a new article that he has written. But now with the birth of facebook and other social media, such a method is no longer deemed necessary. Now we could just share it on our facebook page or tweet about it etc. So then a book company asked him to be one of the writers and so that was how it happened (that he finally became an author). Langit Ilahi, his website now has more recruits, including he himself.


If you choose to start a blog, be consistent with it. Hilal Asyraf mentioned that he found that successful blogs have daily updates. But if you think that it's too much of a burden, do it on a weekly basis or a few times in a week.

Divide the post into smaller sections (also mentioned by Hilal Asyraf). Just like what I'm currently doing!

Tips Fatimah Syarha

Seeing her on stage, I could actually feel how humble and down to earth this person is. I like her, though I never read her book and I don't even watch the Aku Ada Wali series, but I am planning to do so some time.

She was asked a question that goes "Setelah masuk dalam industri hiburan ini, tidak kah ustazah takut akan terjerumus dengan fitnah?" And her answer was that fitnah can happen all around us. Our kids are a fitnah. Women are fitnah. But don't take it the wrong way. By fitnah, it just means that we have to be extra careful about it to prevent bad things from happening.

As a scriptwriter, she advised the audience to play around with emotions. Take the emotion sad for example. There are various types and degrees of sadness. Some are sad to the extent to overflowing tears and runny nose while others are just feeling the lonely kinda sad. Some have tissues with them to wipe their nose. Some simply stare out the window and sigh a big sigh. Or maybe the turn-to-Allah kinda sadness. So express the emotions of the characters through these methods, and the viewers might actually grasp the message more efficiently.

And her quote that warms my heart:
Jangan maju dek puji, jangan mundur dek keji, dalam memburu janji Ilahi

Kisah Ustaz Don

As I observed him, I came to a conclusion that he is this sempoi, laid back and santai kind of person. As he speaks of his past, I imagine him as a budak nakal that suka main-main dan tidak serious.
".... tapi miskin pun, hobi dan minat tetap perlu diteruskan.... Hobi saya dulu membaca komik..."
"... bagi saya lah kan, siapa yang tak baca komik Dragon Ball takda kehidupan..."

ternganga sambil tepuk dahi

Actions speak louder than words

There are types of people who find it difficult to express thoughts in words. The idiom above is perfect for them. "Berjaya dalam studies pun kira da'wah jugak" says Aiman Azlan. It's true, because by doing the right thing, by chasing excellence, success in this world and the hereafter, we are actually saying, "Hey, come on dude. Do as I do".

If you can't start with the big stuff, just start by displaying good attitude.


And last but not least,

Be creative!

Do what people haven't done yet. I may not be the best person to talk when it comes to talking about da'wah, but simple acts go a long way. Don't let your mind be enclosed by this so-called box that doesn't even exist! Let your imagination run wild and do your best. Stay strong~

credits to Saidatul Assila :)

20 March 2014


Rajin ja ambik gambar
Jeng jeng jeng... 20032014.. Tarikh keluarnya keputusan SPM yang ditunggu-tunggu. Sejujurnya aku tak lah experience apa-apa debaran melampau, peluh yang tidak henti-henti, insomnia mahupun simptom-simptom pra-keputusan-SPM yang lain.

Well, let me lay down some introduction before I go on further (so as to prevent you readers from being in total shock). I'm a student of PERMATApintar and had been apparently chosen for the fast-track program earlier last year. I guess you pretty much get the gist now, but I'm gonna have to be certain that you do. So being a fast-tracker (the word "fast" says it all) means graduating early (that is, earlier than our fellow batchmates), and since it's compulsory for Malaysian students to pass BM and Sejarah SPM, so are we.


Fast forward to November 2013. There we all are, isolated from the rest of the school kids, sitting for the SPM a whole year before the others are scheduled to. A notice on the door read "Kohort Calon Bawah Umur". (Close enough). I was (surprisingly) the first student on the list, which meant that I was to be seated directly in front of the door, and that was both convenient and disturbing.

Sob sob

Oh, and not to mention the fact that most of us were faced with three huge exams (that would affect our future and whatnot) sardined in less than two weeks. That's two weeks of torture and pain bebeh.

Cut onions XP

I remembered doing so badly (compared to the others) on peribahasa and membina ayat (masa tu aku tak tau apa maksud rawan!!!!!). And the sinopsis for komsas was totally unexpected. Kinda blew my socks and shoes off. Sejarah was okay.

And now, the day that I somehow didn't even wait for...... SPM keluar beb. Jyeahhh.... The unfortunate tragedy of the missing pages on the English exam paper (it's exam week in PERMATA), seemed to foretell the misfortunes coming our way.

Nahhh.. Just kidding. The first result that I knew was Khairul Ain's. A+ A+ tuu.. Oooooohhhhhh... Clap hands.

I did feel a bit nervous of my own results, though still not to the extent of experiencing symptoms stated above. And the other Ain (yang berkabung tu) was like urging me to go get the results right there and then, and I'm like, aku lapar la beb. Lek arh. Perut nie penting.

Buat muka noktah bertindih dan huruf "P"

So... I entered bilik gerakan. I saw teachers holding papers. I saw people. Talking yet I understand none of them. None took my interest. I felt my legs bringing me closer to the left side of the room. Cikgu Ros said tahniah before I even knew my results. Cikgu Ati saw me. She handed me the piece of paper of which on it is written the answer to questions swirling in my head (ayat pelik). I took the paper. It was down-side-up. I flipped it over. My eyes cleverly ignored the left part of the paper and starred down to the one on the right.



Reaksi aku? "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek" pitch tinggi. I salamed the teachers before Khairul Ain and I left.
Maka Allahlah sebaik-baik perancang dan Dialah yang Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana. Sungguh, setiap apa yang terjadi adalah dengan izin-Nya semata-mata. Tiada yang berhak menerima puji melainkan-Nya


OK lah sebenarnya takda benda nak cakap kat blog nie, so aku share ja la kejadian drama-drama girang yang berlaku pada hari ini. Psst.. We have an inside joke. We were like, kalo orang tanya, dapat berapa untuk spm? Jawab straight A/A+.. Kalo dorg tanya, ambik subjek apa? Jawab ja, ambik yang biasa ja.. Cehhh.. XD aku dah mula merepek.

Go go batch SUCCESSOR! (abrupt change of topic)

Petang tadi pulak Amalin bagitau yang SMESH dapat 2nd untuk SBP tahun nie. Bangga owh.. Walaupun aku tak pernah bersekolah di situ, tapi aku ada kawan and abang aku ex-student. Some of my weekends were spent there. Makanan kuih di DM tu sedap!!!!! Erk..

16 March 2014

Bintang Syurga

Huhh.. Sekarang nie tengah exam week. It's been a while since I blogged, so I decided to share with you guys something that has kept me inspired to strive on the path to Jannah.

Ahmad Ammar. The word awesome doesn't begin to explain who he really is. I remembered some time during last year that my mother and I were in front of the TV watching Pencetus Ummah and apparently a woman was on stage, talking about somebody's death. I didn't pay much attention but I was aware that she didn't even shed a tear when the whole audience seemed to be rubbing their eyes in sorrow. Bak kata aku, dia steady jaaaa.

It wasn't until early this year that my mother told me about this guy and how he fascinated the whole country and even the whole world. I watched a youtube video on him. And previously during usrah (a.k.a. bulatan gumbira), the topic of Ahmad Ammar was brought up. We listened to a song dedicated to and inspired by him, Bintang Syurga.

Nah, ini lagunya... Enjoy! Hayati lirik ya...

Biar darah jadi baja
biar tulangku menjadi tonggaknya
Islam tetap di puncak
biar imanku terus melonjak
Aku tegar 
aku rela
sekalipun aku dihenyak 

Burung-burung hijau terbang
Oh ku tenang melayang
syurga firdausi menunggu ku datang 
bidadari pun tersenyum
merindu cumbu harum 
di saat cinta mekarku bercantum
Pergiku tak kembali
kerana memburu nikmat syurgawi
itulah yang hakiki itu yang abadi
dan ku tidak mati
bahkan hidup dengan rezki Ilahi
Kejayaan (kejayaan)
kebahagiaan (kebahagiaan)
bintang syuhada yang dirindukan
Datang datanglah wahai syahid 
dambaan mujahid
aku relakan sakit yang sedikit
Dari tahanan sementara
biar aku nestapa
demi bahagia untuk selamanya

Boleh dikatkan ini antara lagu Nasyid yang aku memang suka la. Because those Nasyid songs about love are just not my type.

So, if you guys have yet heard of him, do google him someday, and read his life story and journey. Watch videos of him on youtube. He merely lived for 20 years, but in that small amount of time, he managed to achieve and contribute immeasurable deeds towards his deen. 

08 March 2014

Sahabat: Apa Sebenarnya?

Gambar hiasan jaaa credits
Tipulah kalau dalam persahabatan itu tiada pergaduhan
Tipulah kalau dalam persahabatan itu tiada perselisihan
Tipulah kalau dalam persahabatan itu semuanya manis-manis belaka
Hmph. Tipu ja semua tu

Sebab kenyataannya persahabatan ini penuh dengan naik turun. Ups and downs la kata orang putih. Waves. One minute the friendship sails proudly on the crest, the next, it stumbles down to the trough (a bit of physics there kids)

But why. Why is it that we fight and argue and get mad at each other? Because no matter how similar we think we may be, or how much in common we think we may have, we are actually two separately distinct creatures. And simply because of that, we disagree with even our closest friend to a certain extent; and more often than not, this leads to something known as.... merajuk. Lol.


There was sometime this year or last year, in the "surau" perempuan, somebody scribbled on the whiteboard something that goes somewhat like this "hentikan bff jahilliyah, amalkan ukhwahfillah". (not exact words)

Somehow my response was delayed as I had only just recently felt a smack on the face by that statement. (baru rasa tertampar oleh statement di atas) BFF. Jahilliyah? Hmm... I used to have declared BFFs since primary school and to this date, I only had *counts on fingers* three or four maybe? There was this one BFF of mine since Year 3 and I always thought "If we were to go separate ways, I don't believe that I shall find another BFF". In other words, I shall be BFF-less; and back then that was some kind of nightmare! Dum dum dummmmmm....

But then after she moved over to Perak in Form 2 (almost 6 years of friendship yawww), I became closer to someone else and acquired a new BFF - and I assume she did the same too. Then in Form 4, after stepping into a prison an institution by the name of PERMATA, I was truly confident that I shall never find a BFF ever again - and I was right. Of course my classmates are all besties of mine, but to declare them a BFF is like....... Not gonna happen in a million years.

Member kelas aku. Kasi blurrrrr sikit :P
Don't get me wrong. I don't mean it as a bad thing. In fact, it's a great thing because QuadP life has given me the sense of ukhwah. Ukhwahfillah which defeats BFFs any day. Because I have figured that BFF only lasts in the dunya - whilst the we are still in close contact with the person - when Ukhwahfillah lasts till Jannah. MasyaAllah. How could you ever compare that. In Ukhwahfillah, we strongly believe that the day will come when we shall meet once again and that is in the akhirah. Subhanallah. Amalkan amr ma'ruf nahi mungkar
"Here, everybody's friends with everybody. Is that right?" I remembered Marie's speech ever so vividly.

Even she was affected by the lively ambience that PERMATA brings. It's damn true. Back in my previous school, I don't even talk to most of the students much, but here, I interact with lots of different people everyday. I don't need to proclaim someone as a BFF because I'd rather be friends with anyone and everyone.
Quoted from a friend of mine: "Dia (Marie) pun dapat rasa hidup kita nie penuh makna". 
Close friends, that Day, will be enemies to each other, except for the righteous
Fikir-fikirkanlah. Rugilah kalau di dunya nie share macam-macam. Buat macam-macam bersama. Happy sama-sama. Tapi di akhirat kelak menjadi musuh dek kerana tiadanya iman dan taqwa dalam equation persahabatan kita.

Peringatan untuk diri sendiri yang sering lalai dan alpa.

05 March 2014


I'm clueless. Currently mystified, perplexed and bewildered by things going on around me. Not so sure what or where my aim is right now. WARNING: kata-kata yang anda bakal baca (sekiranya anda bercadang untuk baca) mungkin akan menyebabkan anda sakit hati, sakit jiwa, stres, amnesia, insomnia, diarrhoea, mahupun kecerdasan minda. Baca at your own risk.

04 March 2014

Jual Ikan

Probably most of you already have a rough idea about what this post is all about. Yes, fishmongers. Ok just kidding. It's the direct translation of "jual ikan", only without the extra l and spacing. What do you get?
Selfish! :D
Sometimes you just know you're being selfish when the only thing you can think of is yourself and your problems and your assignments. But most of the time, people including me myself become selfish without even being aware of it. That's too bad huh? At times, I notice myself worrying about concerns I have at hand that I forgot that there are of course things that should be done together.

Take this week for example. It's a killer I tell you. I can't even think right. 5 quizzes in one go. Assignments that just makes your head spin around. Essays, mind maps, presentations, lab reports, videos. And don't let me get started on the school's magazine. I'm driven MAD! :O All just two weeks prior to exams. I forget when was the last time that I had something called free time. And they are conditions like these that push me to a state of selfishness.

But then I learnt tonnes of stuff along the way. A whole year of being in PERMATA has taught me that grades really don't matter much (okay, they do matter) because it's the moments spent struggling together that brings a difference huge. In the end, life is a race one might say, but does being in a race mean that you should let people be left behind? tsk tsk tsk....

I have recently thought of something particularly... Thoughtful? Hmm... Say, here in this dunya we have friends that are always "there for us" and all sorts of stuff. And I assume you've heard of the statement "korang nak ka di-drag oleh kawan-kawan korang ke neraka sebab korang tak tegur dia bila dia buat salah?". Let's rearrange the sentence to "korang nak ka tengok kawan-kawan korang di neraka sedangkan korang masuk syurga? Sedangkan di dunya korang lah bersahabat baik. Dia lah yang menjadi teman korang di kala duka. Dia lah yang banyak membantu korang di saat tiada manusia lain yang datang memberi pertolongan. Tapi disebabkan kesilapan-kesilapan yang korang biarkan dia lakukan, korang tak dapat bersama-sama di akhirat kelak". That's a pretty long statement.

So let's reflect on our actions. Me and you. There are times that our personal priority comes first, but when it comes to things that require cooperation, I think that should be the main priority. Huhhh.. Because it is in those critical moments that we know who our true friends really are.

Serious, minggu nie bengang gila. I don't even have time to think right. Saja mau luahkan semua yang terbuku di hati. Not that much in the mood to study or do assignments. Semalam pun tak sempat nak belajar sejarah. Aku aim separuh markah ja but Alhamdulillah 11. Cincai la. Add math pulak cuai. Tu aku tak boleh maafkan diri sendiri la but there is no use of crying over spilt milk. Now I just need to settle down, relax, take a deep breath, release. Keep calm. Lepas nie mau keluar and tenangkan fikiran. Forget everything~

Tanda aman :)

01 March 2014

Aku... Survive?

Hisyam was currently wearing the t-shirt that he had just bought (or should I say, fooled into buying) at the reject pile.
Wani: Hisyam, ko tak panas ka pakai baju tu?
Hisyam: Aku memang hot. *muka mintak tumbuk*
Aku: Hisyam, kenapa besar sangat baju tu?
Hisyam: Well, I'm a big boy now. =='
At the surau, Wani, Alifah and I were discussing about Hisyam. Somehow forgot the exact conversation, but it goes somewhat like this
Aku: Budak laki kat depan dan belakang la
Wani: Tapi aku tak boleh la tengok Hisyam kat belakang.
Alifah: Ha betul. Tak boleh .
Aku: Kalo Bakte, Haziq, Aiman atau Nur boleh lagi
Alifah: Hisyam masih budak-budak sangat la


Okay. The above is just a small hint about this lil' brother of mine who happens to be a bit wacky and not right in the head as time goes by. Now to the main part of the post.

If I were given the choice of walking or riding a car, I'd choose the former.
If I were given the choice of going out on my own or going out with family members, I'd choose the former.
If I were given the choice of going out alone or with my friends, I'd choose the former.

It suddenly came to me that through all these years of me being a Sabahan, their degree of independence survival has pretty much rubbed off on me. Some of you may not understand, but in my previous school, most of the students' mode of transport is their own two feet or the minibus. As I reach Jalan Bundusan I could see those from Kg Baru heading towards school on foot, and to say that school is just a stone's throw away may be a bit too much. It's a fifteen to twenty minutes journey I guess, if you use the jalan tikus which is a shortcut that happens to be forbidden by the teachers. Thankfully enough for me, I left TTF not without the experience of using that path. We went to CKS during kelas latih tubi PMR for some drinks. Yeah. As for outing, people usually use the minibus (of which the route has permanently found its spot to settle in in my memory) to go to city centre. Teenagers there almost never rely on their parents, and are usually free to roam at their pleasure. Of course pros and cons are there but no need for me to elaborate on that.

Adventure? I think my senior year is already jam-packed with adventures as we speak. It first started off with going to Low Yat Plaza. It was my very first time facing the huge city of KL without my parents, and I felt a deep satisfaction of being able to complete that. Probably the toughest part was switching between monorels and KTMs and stuff. If you want to know how a sardine feels like, please don't hesitate to go to KL. It's a good thing Izza was there to accompany me, or it'll be way creepy o.O

My next outing was to Jalan TAR when Aishah and Farra were planning to go there to hunt for some tudung. KTM. LRT. Again more adventure of buying the token and bla3. Then recently I went out with some juniors to Bangi Gateway but that wasn't much of an adventure since we used taxi service.

And the most recent adventure yet is the one to Kajang in search of supplies for the jualan kelas.We wanted to use the bus but then it was full so we had to use KTM after all. The destination was damn far from the KTM station. Aiman made something funny at the lorong when he speeded up to "go to platform 9 3/4". That was hilarious. We proceeded to MyDin and the horrible air and hot weather made me sweat profusely. By the time we finished buying everything, it was already dark outside. After solat Maghrib, we met at the reject bundle. LOL. The guys were fishing for some cheap clothes to buy.

We want foooooooooddddddd XP
After that, we searched high and low for food but ended up eating KFC. Haziq looked so sad and I felt so bad. I can't bear to see the look on peoples face when they're upset or unhappy, so please jangan tunjuk muka sedih-sedih depan aku. That's my weakness perhaps. Tapi kalo tunjuk muka fake memang aku tumbuk la. I mentally conjured up a few sentences that might cheer him up but none actually came out. Maybe my only means of communication with him is through insults? Okay just a hypothesis. Entah lah. rasa pelik pulak kalau aku cakap baik2 sama dia. Haziq, makanlah. Aku fahamlah perasaan bersalah bila dibelanja tu, tapi kau tak bersalah apa-apa pun. Aku tau kau lapar tu. Tak payah la mau tipu sebab semua orang pun tengah lapar. It's not a big deal la. Belanja makan ja pun. Bukan kami beli kereta untuk kau. Tolong la... Mau jak aku cakap sama dia, "Ui, bikin panas bha jugak kau nie. Tapuji betul. Urang sudah beli makan jak la bha. Tumbuk kau sana" (tapi takkan aku mau cakap macam tu kan. nanti lagi la dia x mau makan XD) Hahahahahahaha. But in the end, dia makan juga... Tapuji betul owh

Muka Aiman... Epic XD

Anak dan mak :3