
02 November 2013

I sat for SAT on Sat

Don't get your mind blown by the title there. I had just taken the SAT test today (which apparently happens to be a Saturday), hence the title. I sat for SAT on Sat(urday). Nice pun huh? LOL. Wait, why was I here again? Oh yeah. The exams have just started (actually it has been a week, but you get my point) and there are two weeks left to go. What kinda caused a huge mess in my head is the fact that 3 exams clash. SAT, SPM and finals.
Admission ticket. Identity kept secret

Lots of things just happen during the course of this one week. I don't know where to start though.

BM, English, Math, Sej and Add Math papers went quite well, Alhamdulillah, though the third paper science subjects are a "horror". Not that I've ever had any sort of practice on paper threes before.

Oh, and last night, Kak Aina Nad, during the Maghrib tazkirah, shared some very interesting topics on sirah, the quran and some other aspects off Islam. I really admire the way she conveys messages, somewhat reminds me of Mat Luthfi. Hihi.

SAT, I would like to present my deepest gratitude to Achmad Bakhtiar for lending me two 2B pencils, for if it were not for him, I might burst into tears. I'm not going to put too high a standard, but I do hope for the best, InsyaAllah.

Sorry but my mind's pretty blank for the time being. Probably because I had just gained independence from SAT. Adios

Some pictures to add a dramatic effect. Gonna get full into blogging as soon as all of this is over, InsyaAllah

Ticket to happy-ever-after

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