
02 April 2014

The Brother I Always Had

~This is a short story~

The river is flowing smoothly, reflecting the rays of sunlight into several different directions. My mother told me lots of stories about rivers, most of them related to how dependent the human were on this particular source of water. But that was a long time ago. Now, the river has changed. In terms of appearance and usage.

I hear ruffling of dried leaves. Without even turning around, I spoke, "Nice day isn't it?"

A person slowly produces to my left; my elder brother. He carefully takes his seat right next to me, staring off into space just like me. We don't usually spend our holidays together because of the different systems that our academic institutions use, but when we do, we spend most of it admiring the outdoors.

"What brings you here?" my brother has a gift of answering questions with questions, something that we do not have in common.

"I was just thinking of getting my mind off things,"

"Sounds like you're having a really hard time in school," he focuses his eyes on me without turning his head in my direction. I've been telling him stories of my school life, but it suddenly occurs to me that I have never even mentioned anything about the hardships I face.

"How do you do it brother?" I ask, picking the dried leaves one by one and tearing them into pieces. He gives me a puzzled look. I let out a long, painful sigh.

"How do you go on with life? How do you know exactly what to do and how to do them and why you're doing them? How do you.... decide?" I burst into a jumble of questions that has been bugging my head long before my brother arrived.

From the corner of my eye I could see a smile on his face. He always has that smile. The smile that tells its observer that everything is okay. The smile that reminds me of happiness. The smile that I wish to be able to put on my face for a change.

Despite the questions that I have just thrown at him, he answers all of them with just one simple answer. "Trust".

Well that sure helped. He ruffles my hair the way he does when I was 5 and he was 7. We were so young then, so happy and so ignorant of anything and everything except ourselves.

"Now tell me," my brother continues after realizing the silence that has filled the air due to my inability to respond to his previous answer. "What is it that you want to talk to me about?"

"Brother, when you are asked to make a decision that will leave a massive impact on your future, what do you do?"

"Istikharah," he nods towards the horizon "Seek guidance from Allah, because it is He who knows best."

"Okay. So all my life I have always wanted to be a doctor. No matter what happens. My eyes are only on becoming a medical student somewhere in the UK and obtaining a medical degree and serving the people of the country." since I'm am very bad at choosing the right words, I decided to be straightforward.

"Go on."

"But as I grow up, I begin to learn that there are tonnes of job opportunities out there that might somewhat be right for me. And..."

"So you're saying that you're no longer interested in becoming a doctor?"

"No... That's my problem exactly. I just don't know what to do any more. I envy those who have vision, who have mental images of the future so vivid it even seems real to me. I want to be just like them, brother. I want to know my path and where I'm going to go using that path."

I could see him taking in the varied emotions on my face, trying to put the best words together to form a phrase that'll hopefully be the perfect solution for me. Seeing that he doesn't seem to be able to come up with anything, I resumed, "I don't even know what I'm interested in. I love math. You know how I used to solve mathematical problems just for fun, but none of the jobs in this particular field interests me. I mean, to work with numbers all day? I'd be pulling out the white flag already. I claim that I am interested in Biology, but the fact that I could score better in Physics and Chemistry makes me wary of my choice. What if I don't make it? In Biology I mean. But neither Physics nor Chemistry brings me the excitement the way Biology does."

I pick up a stone and throw it to the river. It hops, once, twice, then sinks in the river with a plop. I turn to face my brother who has been listening very patiently to what I had been saying. He's often the most patient in the family, the exact opposite of me.

I add, "Through my observations I could see two types of people. One are those who are willing to do anything to achieve what they want. Goal-oriented. They expect high, work hard and achieve higher. They... have what it takes, because they are raised in that manner. Their parents taught them to be self-critical and determined and they grew up to be that way. The other, however, live in the most modest manner they could manage. They're more inclined to go with the flow and accept anything that comes their way. They're more relaxed," as I finished the sentence, I look at my brother again, waiting for his response after he has kept quiet for so long - too long for my liking. He is always the one who talks. I'm the listener. But it's nice to have a change once in a while.

"Well, which one of these do you think you belong to?" he questions me further.

"I don't know, brother. Sometimes I think of myself as the former group, because I had always been the type who aims high. I work hard. I am hardworking, which would probably eventually lead me into becoming workaholic in my career. But... when I moved to this institution, I began to rethink. I began having doubts about my aim, my future, my goal, my life principles. Everything. I wish to lead a simple life, but at the same time I can't get rid of this urge to work hard and grab opportunities. It's in my genes, brother. I can't get rid of it. But being just hardworking would not help if I have no skill in taking advantage of things, which apparently is exactly what I lack. I can't even sound convincing. Some people, however, are a natural,"

It was a long speech, but I stop when I heard my brother breathing in hard, like he finally has something to say.

"Sister, I know it'll be very difficult to see others who are better or are more successful. It doesn't make you green with envy; it makes you feel down, like you don't belong or you don't deserve anything. I know you, sister. But be reminded that Allah the Almighty has planned your life and my life - our lives - as perfectly as anyone could ever wish for. Don't you think, that if you were to question the 'why can't I be like them', that you would actually question what Allah has bestowed upon you?" he chuckles, grabbing another stone and tossing it into the river. "Syukur is key, sister. It makes something so small look so big and so fulfilling."

"Above all, dear sister, is that you never lose hope. Allah is always by your side. Okay, now I sound like a song lyric, but who cares," my brother has always been a fan of Maher Zain. "Life is nothing without trials, and maybe all of the uncertainties that you are facing is merely a trial from Allah, knowing that you are strong enough to go through it." he gives me a reassuring pat on the back. 

"Speaking of which..." he says as he shoves his right hand in his jeans pocket, "... here's a dua that'll be of great help to you, InsyaAllah." and he hands me over a piece of paper containing a few dua's written in Arabic.

"Thanks brother. I do feel a bit relieved now that I have someone to talk to," it's true because I did not notice the weight on my back until it was gone. My brother's answers, though they did not answer my questions directly, give me hope. He cannot make the decisions for me, but his advice is enough for me to be ready to face the future. I know what I must do next.

Ten minutes pass as we get lost in our own thoughts, appreciating the breeze tickling our cheeks. The sun is almost high above our head, but I do not even feel any heat on my skin. Apparently the weather is nice today. More minutes pass, until my brother breaks the silence.

"Hey sis, have any boyfriends yet?" I immediately feel like wrestling my brother to the ground, but all I can do is flinch upon hearing the word boyfriend. 

"I'm seventeen, brother!" I reply, punching his arm so hard that I think I hear a faint "ouch" coming from his mouth. I am surprised as well as embarrassed by the question. He knows how much I hate talking about boys to him. In fact, I never even told him about any.

"Hmm... What does it mean when you say that you're seventeen?" he smiles a crooked smile, a reminder of why I refuse to discuss this topic with him.

"That I'm still too young for boyfriend stuff, duh!" I answer, clearly irritated while my brother seems to be enjoying it. "Oh and by the way, I don't even want to have a boyfriend."

I don't know how, but I somehow get the feeling that my brother is worried that I might find a guy of whom I really like (my brother is somewhat the protective type). But at the same time, he is also worried that I might not. Maybe he doubts my skill in searching for the perfect person for a life partner, and I don't blame him because even I doubt myself. But that's a whole different story.

My brother looks pleased by my reaction. He gets up, brushes some dried leaves from his jeans, and offers me his hands. "C'mon sis. Let's go home"

So away from the river we stroll, hand in hand. Just like old times.

I just want to spend every possible minute of the rest of my life with you

-Suzanne Collins, Catching Fire


  1. You are really good with English eh? I like the story. Cuma pendapat, but I think you should change the font. Pendapat je. Sebab nampak panjang and susah sikit nak baca :D PieceNoWar :)

    1. Oh, terima kasih atas pendapat tu.. nanti saya cuba tengok balik font yang sesuai :)
