Sometimes, I do feel like I'm the luckiest person to have met you. If only you knew how thankful I am for all those things you have done, though I'm not the one to express such deep feelings to anyone. Yeah, if only you knew how happy I am every time I see you, though I do feel sinned that such a feeling was inside of me. It shouldn't be there.
26 October 2013
22 October 2013
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to create a protective layer for the chicken egg so that when it is dropped from waist-high, it shall remain undamaged. We had to accept it of course. No choice. We were given straws, papers and rubber bands, and if the stuff supplied were not enough, we could always "buy" more. My team went with slow and steady, not wanting to risk bankruptcy (which would certainly befall those who failed to protect the chicken egg).
Of M&Ms and A Cute Teacher
Last Tuesday, some of the 4K1 students had to attend a group counselling. We gathered at around 3 p.m. and initiated with a bit of an introduction. Group counselling turned out to be fun, as it somehow strengthens the bond that we never knew we had. I loved sharing my personal experience with them, as I'm not really the type who goes around to some stranger and talk about my feelings. I'm reserved, I must say. Since we are subjected to secrecy, nothing more can be said about this counselling session.
20 October 2013
Night Walking
She started to count. 82, 81, 80... She didn't know how long it has been, or how much longer it's going to take. 59, 58, 57... She wanted to calm herself down, tell herself that it's not going to be long. She was number 83 by the way, the 27th person to be left solo. Looking at the watch on her wrist might cause her more anxiety, so she decided that it was best for her to not know what time it was. There she sat, alone like everybody else.
18 October 2013
Once Upon A Time
He looked at her stoically. The aura of indifference seemed like a ray of light shining from his emotionless face. Typical, she thought. She remembered a few months back, when they had just met. She never paid much attention to him in class. Didn't know who he was, wasn't aware that he even existed. Probably the crowded classroom was to blame, or maybe the relatively large distance that separated them both.
14 October 2013
Out Again!
Went for an outing with my family today. Sure, I do have my work pile on the desk just waiting to be settled, but I decided it was time for a tune down. Don't wanna say much. Just pictures to tell the whole story.
Bought this drink at KLCC which costed a bit more than RM11. A blend of watermelon, strawberry and apple and I was like, so expensive arh? I couls use that amount of money to produce twice this cup.
Had dinner at Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa. I remembered the time when I dined at one of the branches of this eatery and not only did it not match my expectation, it was also burnt a hole in my pocket (or my dad's pocket for that matter)
And there I was, at the original Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa. It was the exact opposite of that phony outlet and I loved it.
Coconut+lemon=cocomon? coconade? cocolemonade? lemonut?
The very next day
Low Yat Plaza.
Up and down the escalator we went, in search of an iPad mini case *cough*. 2 hours wasted just because I was so picky. Alhamdulillah, found one that matched my preference: pink :)
And so ends another outing in KL
Forgot to add...
Had dinner at Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa. I remembered the time when I dined at one of the branches of this eatery and not only did it not match my expectation, it was also burnt a hole in my pocket (or my dad's pocket for that matter)
And there I was, at the original Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa. It was the exact opposite of that phony outlet and I loved it.
Coconut+lemon=cocomon? coconade? cocolemonade? lemonut?
The very next day
Low Yat Plaza.
Up and down the escalator we went, in search of an iPad mini case *cough*. 2 hours wasted just because I was so picky. Alhamdulillah, found one that matched my preference: pink :)
And so ends another outing in KL
Forgot to add...
I'm not good in selfies. Just blurred this pic. There goes my reputation.. :/ |
13 October 2013
Cation Hisses
I have always wanted to have cats but they were forbidden in my house due to my allergies. So I guess one of the advantages of me coming here is that I could finally "own" a cat, even though it's not entirely mine. I had a best friend once, whose passion was cats and she knows as much about cats as the next cat-lover. She always told me stories on how the male cat hit on the female and how they chased each other and bla bla bla.
Random cat photo on the internet |
I had witnessed the incident once in my lifetime, during the 2011 PPCS when our college was in Keris Mas. One cat was doing something towards the other (I need not elaborate on this) and my immediate reaction was, *gasp* "whoa" *gasp again*. And now, almost two years later, I once again have the opportunity to get a glimpse at this thought-provoking anecdote. This time, I watched how it all began...
Izza, Anis and I were on our way to the dining hall. Cation walked next to us and that was when I saw Ninja up ahead. I smelled trouble like it was a very strong durian. Hisssssss said Cation as she laid eyes on Ninja. Ninja just gave a warm purr and posed while Cation has that look of hatred upon her face. I felt guilty to be interrupting their supposedly private moment, but curiosity kills doesn't it?
3, 2, 1.. fight! |
The series of walking and stopping and hissing and posing continued for about 15 minutes before Ninja decided it was time to make a greater move. That's when the chase gets more intense. Lol. Cation is just playing hard to get. Really hard to get.
Cat face |
You know you want me... XD |
At last, cation hid herself inside the shoe rack behind the surau. Not giving up, that's what Ninja says.
I am not amused |
Thus, the chase has come to an end. I guess QuadP students should be expecting some kittens next year. Wasted probably half an hour of my morning, but it was worth it. Look out for our new bride and groom :3
12 October 2013
Kuih with a Hole in the Middle
Being a both a Malaysian and a facebooker, you guys must've heard of the riddle "Banyak-banyak kuih, kuih apakah yang orang makan tepinya sahaja? Tengahnya tidak dimakan.". The answer is donut right? Well think again. This riddle had lived its days remarkably as one of those teka-tekis that gives people a facepalm. Not any more.
Unfortunately for that dear donut, companies such as Big Apple and Dunkin' Donuts start to rise, bringing a new generation of that so-called "Kuih with a Hole in the Middle". With fillings, creams, nuts and fruits at the centre of the donut, the riddle at the beginning of this post is proven to be invalid. (Awwwwwwwww) You may be wondering, up to this point, as to why I am discussing on this worldly issue. Have a look at the photo below
![]() |
Gorgeous |
A certain someone bought it for me when he went for an outing. And they're pink! With a slice of strawberry and tiny strips of white chocolate on top. Hooray for that. I didn't expect that he'd actually buy me something, but thanks nevertheless. By the way, I didn't have to place it in a burner. Nanti tak sedap la =='
Now I'd like you to imagine that you eat only the edges of the doughnut shown above, thus leaving its midsection. That would be such a waste wouldn't it. Boohoo. But I don't blame these companies. I am actually a fan of doughnuts (again, thanks for those doughnuts .. really appreciate it.. or them..). Doughnuts are often related to police officers, as seen in movies or American dramas. I still don't get why. They stop for some doughnuts before going for a pursuit.
Other varieties of doughnuts from the internet |
The highlight for today is actually the International Mathematics Olympiad selection test (sorry for the divergence guys). I was the only odd-one-out. I mean, I wasn't even in the Math Olympiad class and then there I was, sitting for this very huge exam. Not that I was unhappy (Alhamdulillah I was selected to participate in this selection test), but it was the fact that I knew way less than all of the others.
However, I have learnt not to put down my weapons before I enter the battle. As I looked upon the question, the first one was pretty easy. The second one was okay if it weren't for the fact that I didn't understand the term "tangent internally" and "tangent externally". So answered what I thought would be the answer. Alhamdulillah, I could answer the third with confidence. But not the same can be said for questions number 4 and 5. I, having no other solution in mind, start thinking of matrices that we learnt in LA and tried to implement it. Didn't work.
A random photo from the internet |
The time allocated for the test was 3.5 hours, but one by one stood up before me and got out of the examination hall. By over 2 o'clock, after only an hour and 45 minutes after the exam started, I, too, followed them. Seriously, I flipped the papers over and over, but still nothing popped up in my brain. Not actually hoping to be selected, but if I were to be chosen, then all praise goes to Allah.
11 October 2013
Partner for Life
An agreement with a fellow classmate had made it possible for this post to be written (I hope you're reading this NUR AMALIN :P). It'll be a lie if I said that the thought of having a life partner, or as people simply say it, a husband, had never crossed my mind. It has, mind you, and I won't be gasping in astonishment if a data were to suggest that every teenager had at least considered this topic once in their lifetime.
08 October 2013
Played badminton during PE class. Had been quite some time since I actually played badminton. Used to play with my dad and bro when we were kids, my brother and I, I mean.
The highlight for today is actually acting out Cempaka Berdarah. We planned to start by 5.45p.m., but due to extra classes, the time was postponed. We were relieved when we met up near the tangki air but one problem surfaces: Rasyid was going to take a shower. OH NO! Anything but that. Then Aiman told us a really hilarious tale about how long Rasyid spent in the showers which I thought was both humorous and absurd.
Here are some of the shots from the shooting (okay that doesn't sound right)
And so this photo was secretly taken |
Now that just looks so cute :3 |
Aiman just gave her a weed! XD |
Nurain Nasuha as Mak Jah
Nur Amalin as Cempaka
Abdul Rasyid as Prof Penyapu
Ahmad Haikal as Malik XD
01 October 2013
Annual Camp 2013 Part I
Sungai Congkak. Our location for this year's annual camp. Never heard of that place before, but was equally excited as anybody else. Bought minimal clothes: Four t-shirts and one pants. Sleeping bag, torchlight, and other equipments one must have in order to have that camping spirit. I went camping with one main objective: to go there without any gadgets, which meant my phones, camera, earphones and laptop were left safely in my room.
We arrived the campsite late in the afternoon, and after setting up camp, we were told that we had to take wudhu at the river. Well, there are these rumours that this particular river had been reported of kencing tikus. However, we had no other options at that time. We were also given assurance that plenty of people living there had been using the river without any news of kencing tikus. I felt privileged that I can once again feel the serenity of the river since
The queue for the toilet was long, if you're late. Lucky for the guys, they had no proper toilet. Instead, they made the river as their toilet, bathtub, and playground. Poor river.
Dinner was particularly nice (or maybe it was the fact that I was so hungry?) On the first night, BSMM and Kadet Police were separated, leaving both to do their own activities. BSMM had class for balutan and CPR. Not to brag but, since I had been a member of the Malaysian Red Crescent for almost 7 years, all of these classes was nothing new and I took it as a revision (seriously, there were some that slipped from my memory). And because of my countless experiences, I had long been in love with BSMM.
The very next day, I woke up shivering, my teeth rattling. I didn't see that coming because the previous night had some kind of heat wave. I guess I should've known that temperature drops quite drastically in the woods. At eight, we had a stroll outside the campsite. The sergeant intended to make it a kawad but initially, that didn't work out. "Yang laki2 cakap kiri, yang wanita cakap kanan" he said. And off we went. It didn't take as much as one minute that the kiri kanan kiri went too fast. Due to that, we had to stop every few metres. However, we seem to improve by every step that we take, and finally, we were synchronised. A rhythm of "kiri kanan kiri" "hek keh hek" "left right left" and other sounds that I am not sure of filled the air. "The boys sound like frogs," one girl said XD
This is not how our tent looked like |
When we were only a few metres to the destination, the Sungai Congkak waterfall, the sergeant commanded us to stop and sprint, row by row. It was to show us that we should speed up upon reaching our goal. I, and I guess the others too, were enthusiastic to go in. Frankly, I felt cheated when the sergeant told us that that wasn't part of the plan. Boohoo. :(
More class for BSMM members. Operasi menyelamat. Now this is something that I've been waiting for because I've never experienced a real simulation of a disaster. So we were divided into four. Five if you count the "mangsa" and "pengacau". Wait, is that six? Who cares. First, we were in four groups and the units needed were Unit Peninjau, Unit Penyelamat, Unit Perubatan Kecemasan, and Unit Kebajikan. By default, my team would be made unit kebajikan but Tuan Shah said only three were needed. So, I backed off because I wanted to play penyelamat so badly.
After the afternoon break, the mangsa team went off while the others remained in the hall for more practical on usungan. Without warning, Rasyid barged in, panicking and saying stuff like, "Tolong. Kampung diserang kepala air". At that moment, we knew it was time. Syahir and Dalila were in position as the Head and the Secretary of the bilik gerakan. Unit peninjau went off first. By ten minutes, they finally reported the situation and the details of injuries. Unit penyelamat were then sent.
I felt a rush of excitement as I ran for the "village", hoping to save at least one life. Upon arrival, I scanned the area and found a girl with a vertical cut on her palm. I took my posisi perawat and began aiding her hand. It would've went well if it weren't for those overly-emotional villagers. They were like, "Cik! Tengok anak saya nie cik! Dia dah sakit! Macam ini kah cik buat kerja?". I really felt like yelling at them to shut up, but I knew patience is vital in these situations. So I kept my voice calm and told them everything's gonna be alright.
In a matter of what seemed like 20 minutes, all the injured (or should I say all but one who sadly became a corpse) were bought back to the green zone. They were treated and simulation was over. I could feel sweat trickling down my cheeks. It felt good. The facilitators commented on our job, saying that all was great, except for the fact that we were not efficient enough. They gave us a 75. Outstanding, I must say. This simulation made me more determined, that one day I shall be involved in these kinds of stuff, saving people's lives and giving a helping hand during crucial moments. InsyaAllah.
Part II
Part II
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