
04 March 2014

Jual Ikan

Probably most of you already have a rough idea about what this post is all about. Yes, fishmongers. Ok just kidding. It's the direct translation of "jual ikan", only without the extra l and spacing. What do you get?
Selfish! :D
Sometimes you just know you're being selfish when the only thing you can think of is yourself and your problems and your assignments. But most of the time, people including me myself become selfish without even being aware of it. That's too bad huh? At times, I notice myself worrying about concerns I have at hand that I forgot that there are of course things that should be done together.

Take this week for example. It's a killer I tell you. I can't even think right. 5 quizzes in one go. Assignments that just makes your head spin around. Essays, mind maps, presentations, lab reports, videos. And don't let me get started on the school's magazine. I'm driven MAD! :O All just two weeks prior to exams. I forget when was the last time that I had something called free time. And they are conditions like these that push me to a state of selfishness.

But then I learnt tonnes of stuff along the way. A whole year of being in PERMATA has taught me that grades really don't matter much (okay, they do matter) because it's the moments spent struggling together that brings a difference huge. In the end, life is a race one might say, but does being in a race mean that you should let people be left behind? tsk tsk tsk....

I have recently thought of something particularly... Thoughtful? Hmm... Say, here in this dunya we have friends that are always "there for us" and all sorts of stuff. And I assume you've heard of the statement "korang nak ka di-drag oleh kawan-kawan korang ke neraka sebab korang tak tegur dia bila dia buat salah?". Let's rearrange the sentence to "korang nak ka tengok kawan-kawan korang di neraka sedangkan korang masuk syurga? Sedangkan di dunya korang lah bersahabat baik. Dia lah yang menjadi teman korang di kala duka. Dia lah yang banyak membantu korang di saat tiada manusia lain yang datang memberi pertolongan. Tapi disebabkan kesilapan-kesilapan yang korang biarkan dia lakukan, korang tak dapat bersama-sama di akhirat kelak". That's a pretty long statement.

So let's reflect on our actions. Me and you. There are times that our personal priority comes first, but when it comes to things that require cooperation, I think that should be the main priority. Huhhh.. Because it is in those critical moments that we know who our true friends really are.

Serious, minggu nie bengang gila. I don't even have time to think right. Saja mau luahkan semua yang terbuku di hati. Not that much in the mood to study or do assignments. Semalam pun tak sempat nak belajar sejarah. Aku aim separuh markah ja but Alhamdulillah 11. Cincai la. Add math pulak cuai. Tu aku tak boleh maafkan diri sendiri la but there is no use of crying over spilt milk. Now I just need to settle down, relax, take a deep breath, release. Keep calm. Lepas nie mau keluar and tenangkan fikiran. Forget everything~

Tanda aman :)

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