
01 March 2014

Aku... Survive?

Hisyam was currently wearing the t-shirt that he had just bought (or should I say, fooled into buying) at the reject pile.
Wani: Hisyam, ko tak panas ka pakai baju tu?
Hisyam: Aku memang hot. *muka mintak tumbuk*
Aku: Hisyam, kenapa besar sangat baju tu?
Hisyam: Well, I'm a big boy now. =='
At the surau, Wani, Alifah and I were discussing about Hisyam. Somehow forgot the exact conversation, but it goes somewhat like this
Aku: Budak laki kat depan dan belakang la
Wani: Tapi aku tak boleh la tengok Hisyam kat belakang.
Alifah: Ha betul. Tak boleh .
Aku: Kalo Bakte, Haziq, Aiman atau Nur boleh lagi
Alifah: Hisyam masih budak-budak sangat la


Okay. The above is just a small hint about this lil' brother of mine who happens to be a bit wacky and not right in the head as time goes by. Now to the main part of the post.

If I were given the choice of walking or riding a car, I'd choose the former.
If I were given the choice of going out on my own or going out with family members, I'd choose the former.
If I were given the choice of going out alone or with my friends, I'd choose the former.

It suddenly came to me that through all these years of me being a Sabahan, their degree of independence survival has pretty much rubbed off on me. Some of you may not understand, but in my previous school, most of the students' mode of transport is their own two feet or the minibus. As I reach Jalan Bundusan I could see those from Kg Baru heading towards school on foot, and to say that school is just a stone's throw away may be a bit too much. It's a fifteen to twenty minutes journey I guess, if you use the jalan tikus which is a shortcut that happens to be forbidden by the teachers. Thankfully enough for me, I left TTF not without the experience of using that path. We went to CKS during kelas latih tubi PMR for some drinks. Yeah. As for outing, people usually use the minibus (of which the route has permanently found its spot to settle in in my memory) to go to city centre. Teenagers there almost never rely on their parents, and are usually free to roam at their pleasure. Of course pros and cons are there but no need for me to elaborate on that.

Adventure? I think my senior year is already jam-packed with adventures as we speak. It first started off with going to Low Yat Plaza. It was my very first time facing the huge city of KL without my parents, and I felt a deep satisfaction of being able to complete that. Probably the toughest part was switching between monorels and KTMs and stuff. If you want to know how a sardine feels like, please don't hesitate to go to KL. It's a good thing Izza was there to accompany me, or it'll be way creepy o.O

My next outing was to Jalan TAR when Aishah and Farra were planning to go there to hunt for some tudung. KTM. LRT. Again more adventure of buying the token and bla3. Then recently I went out with some juniors to Bangi Gateway but that wasn't much of an adventure since we used taxi service.

And the most recent adventure yet is the one to Kajang in search of supplies for the jualan kelas.We wanted to use the bus but then it was full so we had to use KTM after all. The destination was damn far from the KTM station. Aiman made something funny at the lorong when he speeded up to "go to platform 9 3/4". That was hilarious. We proceeded to MyDin and the horrible air and hot weather made me sweat profusely. By the time we finished buying everything, it was already dark outside. After solat Maghrib, we met at the reject bundle. LOL. The guys were fishing for some cheap clothes to buy.

We want foooooooooddddddd XP
After that, we searched high and low for food but ended up eating KFC. Haziq looked so sad and I felt so bad. I can't bear to see the look on peoples face when they're upset or unhappy, so please jangan tunjuk muka sedih-sedih depan aku. That's my weakness perhaps. Tapi kalo tunjuk muka fake memang aku tumbuk la. I mentally conjured up a few sentences that might cheer him up but none actually came out. Maybe my only means of communication with him is through insults? Okay just a hypothesis. Entah lah. rasa pelik pulak kalau aku cakap baik2 sama dia. Haziq, makanlah. Aku fahamlah perasaan bersalah bila dibelanja tu, tapi kau tak bersalah apa-apa pun. Aku tau kau lapar tu. Tak payah la mau tipu sebab semua orang pun tengah lapar. It's not a big deal la. Belanja makan ja pun. Bukan kami beli kereta untuk kau. Tolong la... Mau jak aku cakap sama dia, "Ui, bikin panas bha jugak kau nie. Tapuji betul. Urang sudah beli makan jak la bha. Tumbuk kau sana" (tapi takkan aku mau cakap macam tu kan. nanti lagi la dia x mau makan XD) Hahahahahahaha. But in the end, dia makan juga... Tapuji betul owh

Muka Aiman... Epic XD

Anak dan mak :3

Since it was already late in the night, we decided that the best option would be riding a taxi. Arrived at PERMATA at almost 12a.m. Was totally exhausted. But I was glad that I could add more stories to adventures. Urang Sabah bahhh.. I love them ever so dearly <3 (tiba2)

Oh.. 1 March birthday c Nur Syazwani Nulbin, one of my besties back in my previous school. Happy birthday wanie!! :D Tadi baru lepas bercall sama dorang c Aida, Ikhwan and Shahin. Lol. Kau tak hadir pulak kelas tambahan.. Gitu kau sekarang arh

Kepada yang tak dapat pergi, jangan risau la beb. Jangan sedih. Kadang-kadang, kita cuma perlu bersabar. Aku tau, bukan mudah tapi sabar itu adalah jauh lebih baik. (okay, macam pelik ja ayat nie ==')



  1. Just curious. Why am I not included in that conversation?

    1. Hmmm... I'm not so sure about that.. Probably we forgot. Haha.. Sorry though.. No big deal actually :P
      Btw, I did a slight mistake at the beginning of the post. Hisyam was supposed to say "I'm a big boy now" instead of "I'm all grown up". Aku dah ubah dah tu.. :D
