
08 March 2014

Sahabat: Apa Sebenarnya?

Gambar hiasan jaaa credits
Tipulah kalau dalam persahabatan itu tiada pergaduhan
Tipulah kalau dalam persahabatan itu tiada perselisihan
Tipulah kalau dalam persahabatan itu semuanya manis-manis belaka
Hmph. Tipu ja semua tu

Sebab kenyataannya persahabatan ini penuh dengan naik turun. Ups and downs la kata orang putih. Waves. One minute the friendship sails proudly on the crest, the next, it stumbles down to the trough (a bit of physics there kids)

But why. Why is it that we fight and argue and get mad at each other? Because no matter how similar we think we may be, or how much in common we think we may have, we are actually two separately distinct creatures. And simply because of that, we disagree with even our closest friend to a certain extent; and more often than not, this leads to something known as.... merajuk. Lol.


There was sometime this year or last year, in the "surau" perempuan, somebody scribbled on the whiteboard something that goes somewhat like this "hentikan bff jahilliyah, amalkan ukhwahfillah". (not exact words)

Somehow my response was delayed as I had only just recently felt a smack on the face by that statement. (baru rasa tertampar oleh statement di atas) BFF. Jahilliyah? Hmm... I used to have declared BFFs since primary school and to this date, I only had *counts on fingers* three or four maybe? There was this one BFF of mine since Year 3 and I always thought "If we were to go separate ways, I don't believe that I shall find another BFF". In other words, I shall be BFF-less; and back then that was some kind of nightmare! Dum dum dummmmmm....

But then after she moved over to Perak in Form 2 (almost 6 years of friendship yawww), I became closer to someone else and acquired a new BFF - and I assume she did the same too. Then in Form 4, after stepping into a prison an institution by the name of PERMATA, I was truly confident that I shall never find a BFF ever again - and I was right. Of course my classmates are all besties of mine, but to declare them a BFF is like....... Not gonna happen in a million years.

Member kelas aku. Kasi blurrrrr sikit :P
Don't get me wrong. I don't mean it as a bad thing. In fact, it's a great thing because QuadP life has given me the sense of ukhwah. Ukhwahfillah which defeats BFFs any day. Because I have figured that BFF only lasts in the dunya - whilst the we are still in close contact with the person - when Ukhwahfillah lasts till Jannah. MasyaAllah. How could you ever compare that. In Ukhwahfillah, we strongly believe that the day will come when we shall meet once again and that is in the akhirah. Subhanallah. Amalkan amr ma'ruf nahi mungkar
"Here, everybody's friends with everybody. Is that right?" I remembered Marie's speech ever so vividly.

Even she was affected by the lively ambience that PERMATA brings. It's damn true. Back in my previous school, I don't even talk to most of the students much, but here, I interact with lots of different people everyday. I don't need to proclaim someone as a BFF because I'd rather be friends with anyone and everyone.
Quoted from a friend of mine: "Dia (Marie) pun dapat rasa hidup kita nie penuh makna". 
Close friends, that Day, will be enemies to each other, except for the righteous
Fikir-fikirkanlah. Rugilah kalau di dunya nie share macam-macam. Buat macam-macam bersama. Happy sama-sama. Tapi di akhirat kelak menjadi musuh dek kerana tiadanya iman dan taqwa dalam equation persahabatan kita.

Peringatan untuk diri sendiri yang sering lalai dan alpa.


Some quotes from Hunger Games that I feel related to:-

Yeah, I'm not that good in making friends
- Katniss Everdeen, the Hunger Games

“That what I need to survive is not Gale's *insert some guy's name* fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta '*insert some other guy's name* can give me that.” 
- Katniss Everdeen, Mockingjay

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