
30 November 2013

The Believing Heart

Dan kepada Allah jualah tertentunya urusan memberi panduan yang menerangkan jalan yang lurus; dan di antara jalan-jalan yang dituju ada yang terpesong dari kebenaran; dan jika Ia kehendaki, tentulah Ia memberi petunjuk kepada kamu semua (yang menyampaikan ke jalan yang lurus itu).

If Allah so willed, He could make you all one people: But He leaves straying whom He pleases, and He guides whom He pleases: but ye shall certainly be called to account for all your actions
Dan jika Allah menghendaki, tentulah Dia menjadikan kamu satu umat (yang bersatu dalam ugama Allah yang satu) akan tetapi Allah menyesatkan sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (menurut undang-undang peraturanNya) dan memberi pertunjuk kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (menurut undang-undang peraturanNya) dan sesungguhnya kamu akan ditanya kelak tentang apa yang kamu telah kerjakan. 

So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in Faith.
Dan janganlah kamu merasa lemah (dalam perjuangan mempertahan dan menegakkan Islam), dan janganlah kamu berdukacita (terhadap apa yang akan menimpa kamu), padahal kamulah orang-orang yang tertinggi (mengatasi musuh dengan mencapai kemenangan) jika kamu orang-orang yang (sungguh-sungguh) beriman 

27 November 2013

Packing. Outing. Leaving.

Post nie aku dah lama nak buat, kira-kira dalam seminggu yang lepas. Tapi nampaknya masa yang suntuk menjadi penghalang (serta sedikit rasa malas). Dan pada hari ini, memandangkan blog pun dah lama tak update dan tak ada ilham untuk menulis, maka tercapailah impian si penulis ini untuk buat post pasal packing, outing, leaving.

Gambar nie tiada kaitan, tapi nampak sangat comel dan cool.

So, seperti yang kita ketahui, sekolah telah tamat pada Jumaat, 15 November 2013. Maka, semua pelajar harus mengosongkan bilik masing-masing secepat mungkin. Aku memang tidak bercadang untuk mula mengemas pada hari Jumaat itu, namun selepas gather jamuan sofbol, hati aku tergerak untuk mula. Ok lah, malas nak huraikan panjang-panjang. Hayatilah gambar-gambar berikut. :)

22 November 2013

Stupid Infatuation

The title doesn't serve as a mockery. Nor does show any sign of going against infatuations. Rather, it's what I'm feeling at this very moment. There has been articles stating the differences between love, infatuation and lust, but I'm not gonna get there. The chief point, however, is to pinpoint the nature of a teenager which is to love and be loved. Yup. This is a teenager speaking. Teenager to teenager time.

18 November 2013

Secrets. 4K1.

The silence of the night just crept in, only to be broken by the sound of the air conditioner and the fan. We were sitting in one group, all faces eager to listen to the next person. Two days, and we're going to be separated; some of us at least. That night was the only night that we could gather as a whole, as one huge family of 4K1, for in a matter of hours, some are going to be home for good, never to come back till the start of the following year insyaAllah.

We're having something quite out of the ordinary tonight; a moment of silence and appreciation for shared feelings, of how each and every one of us felt throughout this year. Indeed, being in PERMATApintar provided a whole new experience for its students, each with their own different back stories. I was glad that all of us were able to disclose this part of their lives and more.
I may not be the best when it comes to describing someone, but I'll try my best nevertheless. And I'll do it in alphabetical order.

13 November 2013


A whole year of studies. A whole year of ups and down, highs and lows. It's the last two days of the exams, the last two days of school. Starting Saturday (or even Friday evening), we're home free. All those chains that have been on our wrists can now be pulled off. I just can't wait for the moment where I'll be able to scream from the top of my lungs and run around PERMATApintar like a maniac, but then people would be staring at me and I'm a very shy person.

02 November 2013

I sat for SAT on Sat

Don't get your mind blown by the title there. I had just taken the SAT test today (which apparently happens to be a Saturday), hence the title. I sat for SAT on Sat(urday). Nice pun huh? LOL. Wait, why was I here again? Oh yeah. The exams have just started (actually it has been a week, but you get my point) and there are two weeks left to go. What kinda caused a huge mess in my head is the fact that 3 exams clash. SAT, SPM and finals.
Admission ticket. Identity kept secret