
09 February 2014

4 + 2 hours

Memang patut pun aku dimarah. Malu tu.. Memang malu gila la, tapi kesalahan itu tetap pada aku. I'm not doing this hard enough. Not all out. I'm hesitating, that's all. Improvement comes but only with practice and determination. I take the plus side of the scolding that I just received (though the fact that the guys are right there staring at me makes the whole thing worse). I need to stay focused. Strong. This is the time I actually learn the skills that will assist me greatly in dealing with the remote future that I know not of. So why quit. I am no quitter. Period. I gauge my learning speed in sports and found that it is somewhat similar to my learning History. Slow. Snail. Molasses. Lambat. Aku tau, cikgu mau anak didik dia semua berjaya. I take her words as a push forward, and that's better for me than to think it otherwise. In the end, the softball team is just one big family. Kita nie satu keluarga. Jangan nak terasa-terasa. She's right.

"So, when did the above happen?" you may ask. Here we go. There's a softball training today but not at padang PERMATA. We're going all the way to padang UKM. ON FOOT. Sounds kinda crazy huh? It is to some extent, but we're still young and able and it's not that far anyway. *looks from left too right*
Mo gerak pukul 7.30 kunuk. Breakfast 7.00 kunuk. Teda2 bha. Lol. We started our journey at approximately 7.45. It was a delightful morning, so tire didn't actually accompany us. The journey to took 45 minutes more or less, and as usual the training started off with jogging. We batted and "catch and throw"ed and watched a game (though the game was somewhat dull because orang asyik-asyik free walk and none hit the ball like how a real game should be). Before heading back to PERMATA, we ate Donuts and quenched our thirst with the air sirap that Cg Wan and Alia bought respectively. Thanks a bunch! :D

By 12.30, we were ready for our journey back. The sun was up and heat enveloped us and put our sweat glands to work. The series of uphills to PERMATA makes matters worse tenfold. By the time I reached the front gate, my clothes were pretty much drenched. A bit hyperbole there. Arina and I became the first girls to set foot on PERMATA (agak bangga di situ) and when we first started the journey, Hisyam was way up front. Like, way front. But kami berdua berjaya "mengejarnya" XD. We didn't really chase him though.

I guess that's it. My today's journal. I like long walks to be frank. Not sure why. Today not much sunburn. Have to wait for a few more trainings for that to happen. Sampai bilik, mandi, landing, tido. Sekarang kepenatan masih terasa, tapi aku perlu tabah. Melihat pada kenyataan yang aku buat di atas, aku mesti usaha lebih kalau aku nak improve. Mungkin ada orang sikit training dah mahir, tapi yang pasti orang itu bukan aku. Yup. That's life.

Nice pic

Oh ya. Ada tambahan. Hari nie Nadia bertolak pergi Vienna. Aku sempat jumpa dia petang kelmarin (Sabtu) sebelum dia keluar PERMATA. I kinda miss her, though we're not that much close friends but still, she was my roommate once. It all started during MAWHIBA summer camp when we were assigned as roommates. She's great. We're both part of the Multimedia and Publicity committee and do a whole bunch of stuff together. She gets busy since Marie got here and we spend a whole less time together, tapi aku sempat jugak sambut birthday dia hari tu (sebab aku menyibuk dengan kelas K3). Last year dialah pencetus aku selalu hang out with the K3 gals :P. I miss her a lot actually. All the best for you in Vienna, sister!

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