
26 January 2014

Before It Happens

Am sitting here currently having nothing better to do than stare at the computer screen. Wal 'asr. Indeed, mankind is in lost.

Somehow I was reminded by one of Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) hadith that goes
Amar bin Maymoon Al-Audi (radhi Allahu anhu) narrates that once Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) gave the following advice to a Sahaabi: “Treasure five things before five: Your youth before old-age; your health before illness; your wealth before poverty; your free time before becoming occupied, and your life before death." [Tirmidhi] 
Youth before old-age. I'm not deluding you when I say I'm still young. Still have the strength, the capability, the power. Still able to stand on my own two feet. Alhamdulillah.

Your free time before becoming occupied. Most of the time, I find myself either having absolutely nothing to do or extremely huge piles of work to be settled. When will I ever learn? *sigh*

Your life before your death. YOLO. I'm sure you've at least heard of that. You only live once. You only have one chance to live in this dunya before going on to the hereafter. So why waste this golden opportunity, to gain as much amal as could? Because when Malaikat Jibril comes, you know that your time is up...

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