I was having my breakfast when Dalila Safiah told me that Kak Zana (our previous biotech instructor during PCS 2012) is having an Akikah and we're invited. Yay! I thought I was going to bore to death today being cooped up in my room all day long (too lazy to go for outing). Then Kasdi phoned me (I actually don't save anybody of my friend's number in my mobile phone. Just putting that out there) asking me whether I'd join in for the Akikah. Of course I would. Haha.
Dr Zul (another biotech instructor who happens to be Kak Zana's husband) picked us up at around 1.45 p.m. There were 9 of us: Abul Munzeer, Kasdi, Ruzainy, Where, Dalila, Alifah, Amalin, Siew and me. Lepas tu kan.. ada orang tu yang nampak stress gila naik motor. Sampai berkerut dahi. Si pembonceng pulak nampak sangat lawak. Memang kami dalam kereta tu ketawa gila-gila la XD. Being able to be their guest was truly an honour, and it's been so long since I myself experienced such festivity and family-bonding. Rasa best bila dapat mengalami perasaan "kekeluargaan" itu. (cehh ayat...)
We ate, chat, joked around, and played with some kids. The food was nice. Looking at the kuih still on the plate, the guys were like, "Weyh, si Dalila nak tu" "Malin, aku tau kau nak". And Kasdi was being his natural self - the playboyish part of him XD.
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We exchanged stories
with Dr Zul. He has tonnes of experiences and tales that would indeed aid me in dealing with my future He once again inspired me with his quotes and sayings.
with Dr Zul. He has tonnes of experiences and tales that would indeed aid me in dealing with my future He once again inspired me with his quotes and sayings.
Everyone can gain knowledge, be successful, own a multi-billionaire company, create a revolution; but what matters most is friendship, because in the end, it's the people around you that would assist you in your journey and make you happy. I know that I myself am not that good in making friends (seriously, some people seem to have been born with a gift to attract peers) but I guess there's no hurt in trying. I can start by being myself.
Rezeki/rizq/sustenance is in Allah's hands (not literally) and I should faithfully believe that regardless of how much effort that I put into something, the decision will always be Allah's. But that doesn't mean that efforts are worthless. They count for our amal, including learning for the sake of Allah (which closely relates to the situation that I am in as a student).
All in all, this trip has been thought-provoking and altogether worth it. Seriously, I respect Kak Zana and Dr Zul so much, and I see them as one of the people that trigger my senses to face reality. This is the path that Allah has laid out for me; and it'll take all of my strength, courage and wisdom lead it. Life has never been more confusing.
Btw, malulah nak post gambar banyak2 kat blog nie. Hehe. So kalau ada budak biotech yang nak request gambar tadi, boleh contact secara personal. Ulangan: budak biotech sahaja. Siap highlight lagi :P
"Kawan-kawan saya punya pointer 3.5 lebih. Saya punya cukup-cukup makan saja. Tapi Allah bagi saya rezeki lebih. Tak sempat habis Master saya dah buat PhD. Bila saya dah habis PhD, kawan saya yang lain tu baru habis 1st year PhD. Walaupun kita pandai, kena ingat, rezeki Allah yang menentukan kita." (Lebih kuranglah macam apa yang Dr.Zul cakap tadi)
ReplyDelete"Masa saya form 5 saya masih main-main lagi. Pakai jersey dan seluar track pergi sekolah. Pukul 9 lari keliling padang 60 kali, lepas tu pergi main bola pulak. Pukul 12 baru masuk kelas, pukul 1 balik" haha
Deleteinspiring sangaat apa yang Dr cakap :)
DeleteAssalammualaikum. Glad dapat jumpa blog ni..
ReplyDeleteSy baru je abes SPM this year. And tengah nak cari course that suit me.
Sy betul2 minat Bio n plan nak amek Biotech. Skarang tengah buat some homeworks for this course. So, nak mintak akak terangkan la apa course ni. Nak tau dengan lebih lanjut. Mcm mana study tu, apa yang dipelajari n so on. Hope dapat kongsi pngalamn utk sy :)
DeleteFirst saya nak clarify satu perkara iaitu saya bukanlah mengambil kursus biotech di universiti. Sebenarnya saya cuma pernah belajar sedikit pasal biotech nie di sebuah kem. So... Melalui apa yang saya dh belajar, kalau nk ambik bidang biotech, mmg perlu byk bekerja dlm lab. Buat experimen. Perlu ada daya imaginasi yang tinggi sebab biotech nie ialah aplikasi ilmu biologi dalam menciptakan benda2 baru. Then perlu bentangkan idea di hadapan kelas atau prof dsb. Kiranya kerjaya sebagai biotechnologist nie lebih krg macam penyelidik.
So, apa yg sy boleh katakan sekarang ialah, kalau anda rasa anda nie jenis yg suka kerja2 teliti dan inovatif, biotech nie mmg sesuai.
Maaf sebab tidak mampu memberi huraian yang lebih mantap. Saya hanya seorang budak yang masih belajar :)
p/s: pd pendapat peribadi saya, biotech mmg best! :D