We had gotong-royong at around 9 to clean up our respective homeroom classes. Sad. Was thinking of how this class differed from the one in my previous school and remembered that mine used to have colourful curtains, lapik meja, paint etc. Now all we have is the same blinds and the same white paint and the same table as the other classes. Bo-ring. Wished we could somehow at least paint the walls to make it look more cheerful (helps in lifting the mood up for studying, thank you very much).
Okay, to be frank I don't have much cool stories to tell for the time being. So back to the title "birthday". I hate birthdays. Not anyone's in particular, just mine. Why? Because it so happens that my birthday would fall on a holiday every single year. You know that school holidays we have a week in the middle of March? That's when my birthday is! However, last year, the holidays were shifted to early of March, so the 17th didn't actually fall on that one-week period. I thought that I had a chance last year but NO... 17th decided to appear on a Saturday instead. Well hooray for me #sarcasm
Before I start rambling on some more, I'd better get off the keyboard. Kinda boring this post huh? Probably coz I'm in the bored mood right nao. Happy birthday Izza!! muah muah muah :P (cehh macam ko baca benda nie kan?)
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