
16 January 2014


A few notes for yesterday and today.

There are sometimes people who judge. Be it their speech, act, or their mere presence. The air of judgmental accompanies them at every step that they take. I'm not trying to point fingers. Rather, I wish to state the degree of my dislike towards people who judge. Of course, we humans can never be able to rid ourselves totally of putting on impressions; but we can try. It makes me feel somewhat less confident when people start mocking or showing doubt explicitly, such that the look on their faces discloses their judgement to the public. Part of the blame is on me though, for I should train myself to not be affected by people's views as long as I'm doing what's right. Thankfully enough, this one person enabled me to feel the pleasure of doing whatever I feel like doing, for he shows no sign of holding any impression on me. Likable, amicable, amiable, delightful, charming. It made my day...

Every now and then,
we face situations where we have to have a heart of steel in order to deal with it. Under such circumstances, patience will be tested, emotions will be juggled with, and actions will most likely be plainly unnecessary. When going through these stages, there are two choices in which we could choose from.
i. complain and whine all day while doing nothing to improve the situation at hand
ii. hit the table / kick the chair / slam the door / scream once and get back to devising a plan to make things better
There are absolutely lots of things that we do not agree with and wish that change would happen soon. But after almost 16 17 years of living, I learnt that simply saying I wish... would get me nowhere unless I have fairy godparents, or a magic wand. Pushing a mountain away is a task possible only if a mango were to grow on an apple tree on the 30th of February *stares at Ain Nasuha*. So what we could do to get on the other side is either to go over, under or around it. 

It does seem like very big a deal, but that's just how it is. If I could, I would; but I can't, so I won't. Accepting, adapting and improvising sounds like the most preferable option available, giving the condition that I (we) am in.

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